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“WE” and Globalization

Globalization is big. It’s our future whether we get it right or get it wrong. Watching the thousands trying to flee Afghanistan, or the numbers of countries simultaneously fighting wildfires and waning water supplies in their reservoirs, attests to us being a global unitywhether it’s working or not. The recent United Nations update report on climate change only further emphasizes this looming challenge.

Accordingly, it’s inevitable that the various media assets of the wider WE, UNITY EARTH, SINE, the Evolutionary Leaders, and Light on Light networks would get their attentions further turned to globalization—and how to do it in a way that is “people and earth friendly”. Much of the activity comes from Light on Light publications which, along with Trends, The Owl, Co-Creation magazine (and others in the wider network) have been serving the “what’s happening?” news across our combined networks for both months and years.

Light on Light added books to its publication repertoire in 2020 (; Its latest book, launching August 24th— Global Unitive Healing: Integral Skills for Personal and Collective Transformation—with a Foreword by Ken Wilber, founder of the Integral Vision, and an Afterword by Claudia Welss, chair of The Institute of Noetic Sciences– has created a flurry of media activities around this looming challenge of how to “go global toward a world that works for all”.

It’s great to see this focused burst of activity. It attests to the fact that what we call the wider “Transformative Community” knows that it must be acting simultaneously, both locally and globally, both grassroots and “big picture”.

Dr. Elena Mustakova’s new book from Light on Light Press reflects the vision in and We, the World’s Founder Rick Ulfik’s Introduction to the recently published Universal Principles and Action Steps ( There, Rick said these activities “represent some of humanity’s most profound examples of collective wisdom for a peaceful, just and sustainable world.” Indeed, the call of both of these books for “global unitive healing” has opened up new opportunities for the spiritual practitioners, thought leaders and activist that make up our ranks to vision about this phenomenon of “going global” with an ever-widening international audience.

As a result, The Convergence series on VoiceAmerica– founded originally by UNITY EARTH and joined many times by and We, the World for programming for and annual 11 Days of Unity and the International Day of Peace– is once again a platform for this global discussion. Three successive VoiceAmerica Specials will be broadcast on VoiceAmerica through August and September, posted here sequentially during those two months:

First is “Global Unitive Healing: Toward a World that Works for All” with guests Ken Wilber, Jean Houston, Anneloes Smitsman, David Korten, Riane Eisler, David Sloan Wilson, Richard Clugston, Glen Martin, Kurt Johnson and Elena Mustikova.

Next is “The Earth Constitution and the Great Transition” with guests Ervin Laszlo, Glen Martin, Laura George, Paul Raskin, Eston McKeague, P. Narasimha Murthy, and Rene Wadlow.

Following that will be a Special on the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Thought Leaders Circle ( where and We, the World founder Rick Ulfik joins as a member. That VoiceAmerica Special on the United Nations Sustainable development goals will feature Gregg Braden, Jude Curivan, Dianel Stone, Deborah Moldow, Diane Marie Williams, Richard Clugston, and Special Guests yet to be announced.

These follow on the Launch Event for the book Global Unitive Healing, which is a book endorsed by both and We, the World’s founder Rick Ulfik and UNITY EARTH and SINE’s Ben Bowler and Jon Ramer. Jon Ramer’s SINE Network will host the launch through FB and SINE (see August 24, 1 PM EDT, book launch event at That launch is joined by Ken Wilber, Claudia Welss, Robert Atkinson (author of the Nautilus-award winning book The Story of Our Time, and famed peace activist and educator James O’Dea. Dr. Robert Atkinson is also a co-editor with me of the Evolutionary Leaders book Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future, also a Nautilus and COVR Award winner. It’s no accident that Dr. Mustakova’s Global Unitive Healing follows on the well-known heritage of Willis Harman’s famous (1998) book Global Mind Change, a book mentored by the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

So, there is a flurry of activity from across all our communities regarding the challenges and implications of globalization—and in such a perilous time. The Evolutionary Leaders Circle has founded a potentially influential “Sustainable Development Goals Thought Leaders Circle” ( It will hold its first online gathering on August 31, 2021 and anticipates a growing number of opportunities of partnership for education and activism across the international community. As its founders have stressed, without a dramatic change in human consciousness (toward world-centric, indeed even cosmo-centric consciousness), such ambitious visions as the Sustainable Development Goals are likely unachievable in the flatlands of both the intellect and our world’s “business as usual”. When the recent United Nations climate update report tells us we may have less than a decade to address many of these challenges before they become irreversible, it is challenging time indeed.

So, hats off to all those across our wider interconnected communities who are taking up these themes and challenges. They will all come to the fore again as and We, the World initiates it 2021 activities for the 11 Days of Unity and The International Day of Peace. We are all looking forward to participating in that energy.

In a world inevitably going global and multicultural, what becomes of religions and spirituality? What becomes of activism towards real global change? In THE CONVERGENCE, global Interspiritual pioneer and scientist Dr. Kurt Johnson joins interfaith leaders Ben Bowler of Australia and Doug King of America in engaging women and men who are inspiring leaders and change agents around our world. Spiritual and cultural leaders, sacred and secular activists, scientists, artists, writers, economists, politicians and even shamans join in this discussion of a world trying to wake up and grow up. What is at stake and what are the technologies and cosmologies creating a world that can work for everyone? If you are concerned for our world’s future and sincere about your commitments to bold and world-serving ideas, you’ll want to tune in to The Convergence on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.

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