
A Letter to the World

Dear World,

It has been said that a society is only as well as the wellness of their children…looking at where we are as a people, we are in a real crisis. Our children and grandchildren are hurting and we as parents and grandparents need to come to their aid…

We need to become One People…
One Creator…
One World.

By our loving and compassionate actions can we create a better world for them and their children, also for the next 7 generations yet to come.

There is no easy fix, all the systems presently in place are failing not only us, but also our children.  We need to unite and rebuild a better way of living in a more simple sustainable way…
We need to start now…
No more time for the I’s…
Time to become We…
Because I=Illness and We=Wellness.

We need to find a way of finding solutions that will bring about right livelihood…
Living simply so others can simply live. Our legacy to our children needs to come from a place of love and not fear…

It needs come from a place of helping our neighbors and caring for the Earth right where we live…
Every person deserves love and compassion as well as their basic needs met…
There is more than enough to make sure everyone has their needs met..

Creating community gardens in every neighborhood will help to feed everyone good wholesome vegetables…

If we all grew food, the extra can be given to food pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens as well as neighbors who had no garden. Another great idea is to put your extra in a vegetable stand in front of your house…

Free to those who walk by…

Start a Gleaners project where local farms are called when they have finished harvesting…

Volunteers go and pick what is left in the fields or on the fruit trees. The Boston Area Gleaners have been doing this for many years.

Children’s’ Gardens planted at every school will make sure all children and their families have access to healthy wholesome food. With that comes growing food for Seniors and those disabled which brings us together and we become part of the solution, teaching our youth to become caring individuals and the kindness ripples….

Farmers’ Markets on town commons bring everyone together…
To meet…

And listen to music as little ones dance and eat freshly baked sweets. Knowing our local farmers is fun and educational. Along the way, book swaps are created, clothing exchanges, community dinners at the Churches become a family night out without the stress…
We are all there for the common good of all.

So much can shift within a community that comes together in compassion and love…
This is the kind of shift I would like to leave my grandchildren and all children…

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One Comment

  1. Beautiful! We have to know that when our children grow up, they will do so in a world of peace, where every child’s needs are taken met, as we teach them to be self sustainable, as they know that unconditional love rules the earth, and that caring for all others is Godly, and peace on Earth is Heavenly.

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