
Thinking & Acting Globally

The Emergent Global Consciousness


The challenges we face are global in nature and transcend partisan politics and religious doctrine. As Dr. Jane Goodall so powerfully stated:

“It’s time for us to realize that we are part of those who are hungry and starving, all those animals that face extinction. Then we begin to make the change from ‘I’ to ‘WE’. We are the world.”

As we face a world that appears to be divided and in conflict, there are organizations and individuals that raising awareness and working globally to advance the movement for all people across the planet to think and act globally. Here are organizations that are working to make the vision of Interdependence a reality:


Global Parliament of Mayors

The Global Parliament of Mayors is a governance body of, by and for mayors from all continents. It builds on the experience, expertise and leadership of mayors in tackling local challenges resulting from global problems. At the same time, it brings local knowledge to the table and thus participates actively in global strategy debates and underscores the need for practical, action oriented solutions.

“In our interdependent world, cities have not only the obligation but the right to achieve solutions to global issues.”Dr. Benjamin Barber (Founder)

Dr. Benjamin Barber is a renowned international theorist and author. The Founder of the Global Parliament of Mayors, he created Interdependence Day on September 12th to celebrate the growing movement of a network of “citizens without borders” to challenge parochialism and promote cooperation across frontiers; to enlarge our thinking to embrace what connects us, and build on those connections to fix our global problems and heal our fractured world. In a recent issue of
The Nation, Dr. Barber demonstrates how cities can actively counter the power of President Trump. ( the-resistance-will-be-localized/)

“The Global Parliament of Mayors Project aspires to alter fundamentally how be govern globally in response to such pressing cross-border issues as climate change, immigration, the refugee crisis, pandemic disease, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and volatile financial markets. Our goal is to establish a new, nonpartisan global governance platform that empowers mayors to deliver viable cross-border solutions to global challenges.”

Living Room Conversations

Living Room Conversations are a simple way that anyone with an open mind can engage with their friends in a friendly yet meaningful conversation about topics we care about. These conversations increase understanding, reveal common ground and allow us to discuss possible solutions. No fancy event or skilled facilitator is needed.

When people of all walks of life begin to care about one another, they can begin working together to solve the wicked problems of our time.

” American democracy was founded with the words ‘We the People.” When we can’t talk with one another with respect across our lines of difference, democracy suffers.” Parker J. Palmer, author of Healing the Heart of Democracy

Joan Blades co-founded Living Room Conversations to provide a guide for meaningful conversations between people with different views. She is a cofounder of, Moms and she has teamed up with Republican John Gable on an initiative called AllSides for Schools to bring civilized conversation about controversial topics to the classroom.

“Living Room Conversations begin with two people of differing perspectives. Each person invites two more friends for a total of six participants. The idea is to assemble a group of people with diverse outlooks to have a rich, meaningful conversation. . . Living room conversations can transform distrust and discord into understanding – paving the way for collaborative solutions.”

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