Take ActionWomen

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day Occurred on March 8th But There’s More YOU Can Do!

The Global Sisterhood launched March 8, 2016 with 650 Sister Circles in over 65 countries gathering to cultivate sacred sisterhood, shifting competition, comparison, and jealousy into respect, unity, and upliftment. Every month, on the New Moon, women gather around the world in meditation and prayer. To join or start a circle, go to women.unify.org for more information.


Atlanta on April 8th, 2017

#WE is a new brand being promulgated by a new #WomenEmpowerment, #StopDomesticViolence movement called #WE Movement. #WE is orchestrating a ” We Are The World” type video being filmed and recorded for national / international release. The #WE video, done in the manner of ” We Are The World” will be a video, CD compilation, DVD, and concert series done successively in cities across America after launching in Atlanta on April 9.

The vision was created by visionary Lowell Beasley and co-founded with UN Ambassador / MLK Award winner, Tina Michelle. Now joined by Co-Chairmen, Heidi Little, #WE is planning launches in cities across America including Birmingham; Fresno, Chicago, Dallas, Washington, DC, Miami, LA, Phoenix, etc. The movement is planning an ongoing series of concerts, united artist videos, forums, rallies, documentaries and conventions repetitiously as they develop each market, building a united network for women empowerment and against domestic violence.


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