EnvironmentTake Action

Earth Month: Rallies & Actions

Celebrating Earth Month Worldwide:
March 20th (Equinox) through April 22nd and Beyond!

This year a variety of organizations, (including those above), with people around the world, are celebrating Earth Month. Earth Month is a convergence of events and activities starting with the Original Earth Day on the Equinox March 20th, including World Water Day March 22nd, continuing through April 22nd (Earth Day celebrated), and culminating with the Peoples Climate March on March 29th.

Earth Society Foundation

The Earth Society Foundation invites you to ring a bell for peace March 20th at 6:29AM USA Eastern Time wherever you are. In New York City the 47th Annual UN Peace Bell Ceremony will take place at the Zen Garden in the UN, with dignitaries and civil society. We will observe nature’s moment as citizens of Earth. We will recognize that “we are one human family and have only one Earth.”

The Compassion Games

On World Water Day March 22nd we will launch and build momentum for Earth Week happening from April 22nd through April 30. During Earth Month we will pass the Compassion Torch to different Champions of Compassion who are standing to Protect and Restore Mother Earth. The
Earth Day Science March is happening on April 22 and the Climate March is happening on April 29.

Planet Heart

Celebrating Our Planet.
Healing Our Heart.
Planet Heart’s 10th Anniversary Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration is April 22nd, 2017 in New York City.
At the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, 263 West 86th St.
6:30pm EST

The Global Unity Calendar

For more Earth Month events and activities, check out the international Global Unity Calendar: GlobalUnityCalendar.org where you can add your own group’s events and announcements too!

The Earth Day Network

On Earth Day April 22nd, 2017 – Global Teach-ins and the March for Science in Washington DC and other locations.

History of the Original Earth Day on the Equinox

The first Earth Day was held March 21, 1970 on the Equinox in San Francisco and other cities. Excerpt from the International Earth Day 2006 Proclamation, San Francisco:

WHEREAS, the first Earth Day was celebrated on the first day of spring on March 21, 1970; and
WHEREAS, plans for the first Earth Day were announced in San Francisco at the November 1969 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Conference on the Environment; and
WHEREAS, the first Earth Day proclamation was issued by San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto on March 21, 1970; and
WHEREAS, Earth Day was, and is, followed by the Environmental Teach-In on April 22, and
World Environment Day on June 5, we celebrate a season for Earth..
For more on the Original Earth Day on the Equinox see EarthSocietyFoundation.org

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