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The Dawn of a Conscious Business Movement

Let’s start by clearly communicating an intention: this is more of a call to action than an article. Urgent action is needed if we are to navigate through an immediate U-turn to reverse the effects of unconscious business. Most of the challenge and chaos being experienced on Earth today is a result of unconscious living. Business is an enormous contributor to this; indeed, it is the primary contributor. But this is not a message of disparity—it is a message of aspiration and hope. There is an opportunity to heal the discord by embracing conscious living. I believe this is the change that we are being invited to make, individually and collectively. If we are to create effective and lasting change, business must come to the front and lead. Business must become conscious.

Where You Fit IN

Are you willing to engage? Will you join the emerging conscious business movement so we may course-correct and create a world that works for humankind, for the Earth, and for future generations?

As consumers, there are powerful things we can do. We can focus on becoming conscious consumers. This creates economic prosperity while contributing to a healthy environment and improving human wellbeing. In our households, let’s become more discerning about the brands we place into our shopping carts. Vast droves of information are only a click away; we can quickly and easily become educated. Do our consumer brands nourish life, or are they toxic? Let’s look carefully at the products, containers, and packaging we buy. Are products built for longevity?

Are they easily recycled or disposable with zero waste? Do our consumer brands focus on going beyond sustainability to restoring the selfrenewing integrity of the earth? Do we see regenerative practices when we look inside the companies we buy from? Do the companies we buy from operate with a conscious culture that supports the needs and desires of their employee base and all the stakeholders? Do suppliers respect human rights and are employees honored, respected, and paid fairly? Do the companies we buy from share accounting, social, and ecological information transparently? These are some of the things we can focus on as conscious consumers. It is time we vote with our pocketbooks. We will not become educated overnight. It will take time to interrupt old buying patterns, but let’s get started. In starting down this path, we are aligning our values with our buying decisions. Conscious consumer brands will benefit and our families will become an expression of our values through the products and services we acquire.

This is a purposeful journey. It involves creating new behaviors, so it will be challenging at times. If we are to create a conscious world we must stretch, gain new understanding, acquire wisdom, express our values through our buying decisions, and then stretch again to progress conscious business and a conscious world. Imagine a world where only conscious business is present and where conscious practices are supporting our families and communities. This has been our dream since time immemorial. Let’s devote ourselves to manifesting this dream together. Let’s focus on this as though our life depends on it. Indeed, it does!

As noted at the beginning, this is a call to action, not an article written to casually entertain the reader. What is stirring inside you as a result of spending the last few minutes perusing my account? Are you prepared to join our journey? What is your very next actionable step?

This article first appeared in Kosmos: Journal for Global Transformation and is excerpted here. To read the full article, please visit

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