EnvironmentTake Action

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Earth Day Event



Each year, Earth Day—April 22—marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Please join the Charter for Compassion International in celebrating Earth Day.  Below are a number of events organized by our Charter Partners.  Start now, with us, to make Earth Day a continuous daily event that can be culminated in a joyous celebration each April 22nd.

A Message from the Parliament of World Religions

In a couple of weeks, the People’s Climate Marches will hold massive mobilizations on the streets of Washington D.C. and in sister marches around the world. We appeal urgently to you to ask that you join with the Parliament as a partner in the People’s Climate Movement. We will march to show our leaders that people of faith follow through on our promises to care for our common home and one another – and to ask that they follow through as well.

We urge you to follow this link to learn more about the marches, the Parliament’s involvement, and for you to become involved, too, either near your home, or in the mass of millions gathering in D.C.

Compassion Games: Water is Life

“Mni Wiconi.” It means, “Water is Life.” These powerful words arose from the vision of Indigenous Youth at Standing Rock in North Dakota, and they stand strongly for the growing spirit of our time. The spirit of Mni Wiconi says: “Life is not possible without water. Therefore, it is the right of all life to have water that is safe, clean, and nourishing.” Water is Life has become a cry for unity, among people of all continents and nations, to protect and restore all that is Sacred and life-giving in our world.There is an ancient proverb that says: We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children. This is the growing Spirit of Standing Rock, and this is the spirit of Water is Life! Protect the Sacred  Earth Week, taking place from April 22nd through April 30th. The Call to Play in Earth Week is Now! Sign Up Today!

Films for the Planet

Celebrate Earth Week with five streaming feature-length documentaries, April 18-28. Sign-up at Films for the Planet – the best in transformational, environmental and social action films.

The 2017 Earth Day theme is Environmental & Climate Literacy so have selected exceptional films that are thoroughly educational and beautifully produced. These internationally-acclaimed films are guaranteed to ignite a sense of challenge and adventure – watch anytime, host a party, group screening, spark a conversation!   Each film offers mindful solutions and practical suggestions for individual and group engagement. Sign up here   

Here is a brief preview of the 2017 Earth Day Streaming Documentary Series:

  • Catching the Sun – the triumphs and challenges of workers and entrepreneurs who are at the forefront of the clean energy economy. (solar) Filmmaker Shalini Kantayya, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • A Plastic Ocean – an international team of adventurers, researchers, and ocean ambassadors embark on a global adventure to uncover the consequences of our disposable lifestyle. With appearances by celebrated naturalist Sir David Attenborough and legendary ocean researcher Dr. Sylvia Earl.
  • How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change – it may be too late to stop some of the worst consequences, but what is it that climate change can’t destroy? What is so deep within us that no calamity can take it away? The film gives reason for hope and optimism. By Academy Award nominated director Josh Fox
  • Rise of the Eco-warriors –”every individual matters, every action counts”   This award-winning documentary was initiated by youth around the world who chose deforestation as the most important issue to address for climate change.  It is a story about courageous individuals who are willing to take action to avert environmental disaster, uphold solutions, and help bring humanity into balance with the natural world. With world renowned forest conservationist Dr. Willie Smits.
  • Merchants of Doubt – In dedication to the Science March on Earth Day, April 22, Films for the Planet is featuring Merchants of Doubt.  Based on the book, “Merchants of Doubt”, the film documents how corporate interests manipulate public opinion to advance political and economic agendas while clouding scientific evidence and consensus. With BONUS film “Scientists Under Attack”

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