Economic JusticeeZine

Economic Justice Campaign News

Coordinating the Economic Justice Campaign is a busy position, especially in this time of COVID. If the injustices that marginalized populations suffer weren’t already evident, the consequences of living without have surely been made visible to many who have been unaware. Yet unfortunately, these facts have been largely ignored and those who were already wealthy beyond belief have enjoyed even greater wealth.

So, there is much work to be done and WE, The World remains committed to bringing about true social change in any and every way. One of the precepts that WE strives for is to search for those organizations doing the work of making the world a better place to live in and grow in. Thankfully, many such groups do exist and outreach requires constant effort. That’s where our Global Unity Calendar comes in handy to assist with the promotion of consciousness and awareness and action…what WE call WE Consciousness…recognizing WE instead of ME thinking. And – perhaps even more importantly – gathering up the Silos to create strength in numbers while still allowing for individual identities and mission statements.

For this reason, collaborating with the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) via the Northeast Chapter of Ohio – where I live – has proven to be very lucrative. Our goals are similar yet different and we believe in the power of grassroots organizing and the power of the people. WE are a global organization and PPC has chapters in nearly every state. We both care about issues of health, the environment, children and women, and peace and disarmament – just to name a few. We are working together to tackle the problems of homelessness, poverty, immigration, contaminated water and mental health.

As partners of the PPC, WE are very supportive of the work that so many people are doing. We are excited to feature their efforts and assist in the promotion of their current mass mobilization that is underway toward the huge event in Washington, D.C., planned for June 18, 2022. As an Ohioan, I am very excited at the news that the co-leaders of the PPC – The Reverend Dr. William Barber and The Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis – will be in Cleveland on March 18, 2022. This is one of several strategic tour stops along the path to Washington, D.C., to reach the people who are impacted and whose voices must be heard. Too much is at stake to protect the people and our societal institutions – and to protect the great experiment of democracy which is certainly threatened.

I am proud to be a volunteer with both WE, The World and the Poor People’s Campaign. Both organizations welcome volunteers to help with this huge campaign. There are so many ways to help and all skill levels are welcome. As Rev. Barber states, “We is the most important word in the justice language.” Below, I include information links to check for how you might get involved.

The Poor People’s Campaign:

We Must Do M.O.R.E.: Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering, Educating

National Tour——Registering People for the Movement Who Vote



Ohio Brine Task Force

WE, The World:

Homelessness Special Projects Team

Education Special Projects Team

WECAN Teams – Africa, Pakistan

Jana Larsen –

CCOAL- Concerned Citizens Organized Against Lead

Robin Brown, Director

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